Many children struggle with speech or language problems or delays. As a parent, wondering if your child is “on track” is a normal thought. It is important to know that all children develop at a different pace, and what is considered “typical development” is very widespread, especially in the early toddler years. It is important to find out what the problem is as soon as possible in order to start the intervention early.
Effective communication is fundamental to all aspects of human functioning, particularly learning and social interaction. The earlier the intervention starts the better and the faster the outcome. If you’re not sure whether your child is having a delay in his or her communication or learning abilities, it’s better to get a speech therapy assessment to be sure. We can help you identify this in a few sessions. We encourage parents to contact us for an appointment whenever they are uncertain about the communication ability of their child.
Delaying speech therapy for your child reduces the chance of improvement. The best time to treat speech and language delays is between birth and three years of age when the brain is still able to learn fast.
The results are not the same for each patient. Each child will have a different outcome depending on his or her particular disability with speech, the frequency and consistency of therapy, and the help at home.
Adults who suffer brain strokes will need rehabilitation. This should start as soon as possible after the stroke happens and rehabilitation should be structured and intensive to provide as much practice as possible within the first six months. Studies show that the recovery is maximal during this period.
The ability to understand language and produce speech is coordinated by the brain. So a person with brain damage from an accident, stroke, or birth defect may have speech and language problems.
Some people with language disorders may have hearing problems. Even mild hearing loss may have an impact on how a person reproduces the sounds they hear or the way he spells the word during dictation. Certain birth defects, such as a cleft palate, can interfere with someone’s ability to produce speech. When a person has a cleft palate there is a hole in the roof of the mouth, which affects the movement of air through the oral and nasal passages. There also may be problems with other structures needed for speech, including the lips, teeth, and jaw.
When necessary and if done properly, speech therapy is inevitable to achieve a greater ability to use and understand language, to communicate with others, and to express oneself. Without fluent and understandable speech, the quality of life of the person is compromised. Starting treatment as soon as possible is crucial for a better quality of life, a greater self-esteem and self-autonomy.
The speech-language pathologists “SLP”also known as Speech Therapists examine, diagnose, treat communication, language and learning problems. They also treat voice and swallowing disorders that result from a variety of causes, such as a developmental delay, hearing loss, brain injury or any other neurological disease.
Our Speech and Language Therapists are always available to meet with you and answer all your questions. Not only will they provide a wide range of services, but they will also provide support for the families of the patients, communicate with schools, the teachers of the patients as well as collaborate with psychomotor therapists and psychotherapists.
Our Speech and Language Pathology program includes evaluation and treatment in the following common Speech and Language Disorders:
- Language disorders (morphology, syntax, semantics, including comprehension and expression in oral, written, graphic, and manual modalities)
- Language based learning disabilities (including dyslexia/dysorthographia/dyscalculia)
- Auditory-language processing disorders
- Articulation / phonological disorders
- Augmentative/alternative communication
- Fluency disorders / Stuttering/Cluttering
- Phonological awareness and early literacy skills
- Social/pragmatic language disorders
- Impairments associated with PDD / Autism
Our adult program includes evaluation and treatment in the following areas:
- Aphasia (acquired language disorder, receptive and/or expressive)
- Speech (phonation, articulation, fluency)
- Cognitive aspects of communication (e.g., attention, memory, problem solving, executive functions)
- Voice problems such as hoarseness, dysphonia, hypophonia (low-volume voice)