The way children feel about their stuttering or disfluencies can affect them greatly. If children feel bad about their stutter or if they are worried that they might stutter, their stutter may get worse. Or, they may avoid doing things...
What Is The Difference Between The WISC And The WIAT?
The numerous acronyms, intelligence tests and assessments can be overwhelming to a parent. Let’s break down two common intelligence tests typically administered to children and what they are actually measuring. Both of these test are often used...
The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is an invaluable resource, which can be used with children and young people with Autism Spectrum Conditions and other communication difficulties. PECS does not require complex or expensive materials...
Sensory Integration Disorder
What is it?
The nervous system receives and processes information from the senses. This process is called sensory integration. Sensory Integration Disorder describes the situation where the process is not working well. The condition is sometimes...