We can help children who stutter by helping them understand and address their negative emotions related to stuttering. Watch the video above to learn more about helping children with negative emotions related to their stuttering...
Types of treatment in Physiotherapy
This is a service to children with a physical disability aged over 5 – 18 who attend a mainstream school or college. We work with other professionals, families, education staff and the child to meet their needs...
What Is The Difference Between The WISC And The WIAT?
The WISC stands for Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. The WISC measures two major aspects of intelligence in children: Verbal and performance intelligence. The verbal intelligence can include things like vocabulary and comprehension...
The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
PECS is a type of Augmentative and Alternative Communication that uses visual symbols to teach the learner to communicate with parents, careers, teachers and peers. The aim is to teach intentional, functional communication and to allow users to communicate their wants and needs...