
Bullying is a serious issue affecting individuals of all ages and genders. Research has shown that males and females have different ways of bullying each other due to socialization patterns and gender roles.

Gender differences in bullying:

Girls are often encouraged to form close, “special” friendships and to be kind, which may lead to using tactics like social exclusion, psychological torment, or humiliation to bully others. On the other hand, boys are encouraged to compete and seek group approval, making them more likely to use physical aggression to bully others.

Masking bullying with a “nice” image:

Bullies may try to maintain a “nice” image by masking their actions as concern or disgust for the victim. This can make it harder for the victim to recognize and interpret the bullying, making them more vulnerable to the bully’s actions.

Divide and conquer tactics:

Girls may use “divide and conquer” tactics by alternating between “special” friendships with different girls in a group, leading to social dominance and exclusion of certain individuals. This tactic can be used to maintain power dynamics within a group and reinforce the bully’s social status.


Gender roles and socialization patterns play a significant role in the way males and females bully each other. Girls may use tactics like social exclusion and psychological torment, while boys may use physical aggression. Bullies may try to mask their actions with a “nice” image, making it harder for the victim to recognize and interpret the bullying. It is crucial to recognize these gender differences and educate individuals on appropriate ways to communicate and interact with others.