A language delay involves understanding and communicating, both verbally and nonverbally. A toddler with a language delay may make the correct sounds and pronounce some words, but they can’t form phrases or sentences that make sense...
What is a Cognitive assessment or Intelligence test?
Cognitive assessments with children require the administration of standardized psychometric tools by experienced and accredited psychologists. These tools can assess various areas of cognitive capacity, for example...
Language Delays in Toddlers
Children develop at different rates, but they usually are able to do certain things at certain ages. Following are general developmental milestones. Keep in mind that they are only guidelines. If you have any questions about your baby's development, ask your child's doctor...
How is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder diagnosed?
Parenting children with ADHD may be difficult and can present challenges that create stress within the family. Classes in behavior management skills for parents can help reduce stress for all family members. Training in behavior management skills for parents usually occurs in a group setting which encourages parent-to-parent support...