Pursuing an ADHD diagnosis can be a complicated process. ADHD is a nuanced neurological condition with three distinct subtypes — inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, and combined type — and there is no one test that determines whether ADHD...
What Are the Types of ADHD?
ADHD symptoms in children differ from symptoms of adult ADHD. But this is universal: If you recognize yourself or your loved one in the following ADHD symptoms, and those symptoms persistently disrupt life in multiple settings, contact your medical health-care...
How Child Psychology is Different to Adult Psychology
Child psychology also referred to developmental psychology, is the study of and the practice of working with children to develop emotional well-being that will see them able to tackle adulthood...
What is it like living with autism?
Simple things like talking to other people, and reading people's body language and expressions can be difficult. Some people will be able to speak normally, while others may not be able to speak at all. They might use sign language to help with this...