Early symptoms and signs in babies may vary but can include lack of eye contact or decreased eye contact, being overly focused on one item, and lack of back-and-forth play. Very young children may show early symptoms like loss of interest in social contact and social withdrawal...
Occupational therapy vs. physical therapy: The basics
Both occupational therapy and physical therapy are set to see faster than average growth over the next ten years, both are typically paired with healthy median salaries and they both require many of the same skills. In fact, patients will sometimes even see both a physical therapist and an occupational therapist,...
Differences Between Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Vocational Therapy
If you or a loved one are suffering from an injury or disability that makes it difficult to thrive in your environment, contact the experts at Advantage Healthcare Systems. Our medical professionals will work with you to create a therapy plan that addresses your unique needs...
The Techniques of Applied Behavior Analysis
ABA theories and techniques are behind many modern educational methods used in classrooms around the country. The Good Behavior Game, for example, a popular classroom management tool, was also invented by Dr. Wolf. The practice of giving out gold stars,...