Simple things like talking to other people, and reading people's body language and expressions can be difficult. Some people will be able to speak normally, while others may not be able to speak at all. They might use sign language to help with this...
What is the Connor’s assessment?
The CBRS has about 18 to 90 questions about the incidence of ADHD-related behaviors shown by the child. These questions are supplied by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).[2] The rating is completed by the child's parents upon initial visit to the psychologist...
What is Autism and How Does It Affect People?
Someone with autism might be over- or under-sensitive to sounds, touch, tastes, smells, light or colours. So you might see someone with autism wearing special headphones...
Signs and Symptoms of Autism in Adults and Children
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects social communication and behavior. In children, signs include delayed speech, difficulty with social cues, and repetitive behaviors. Adults may experience challenges with relationships, sensory...