Speech & Language Therapy

Speech & Language Therapy at MIND

Our team at MIND is dedicated to identifying, evaluating, and treating a wide range of speech, language, and swallowing disorders in children of all ages. We understand the importance of effective communication for your child’s academic success and social interactions, and we are here to address their unique speech and language challenges.

Speech Therapy for Children:

As your school-age child navigates daily speech challenges, such as reading aloud, participating in group discussions, show and tell, and socializing with others, the pressure to communicate fluently can be overwhelming. Avoidance of complex words or situations and difficulty speaking altogether may hinder their progress. At MIND, our team of pediatric speech therapists is committed to providing comprehensive therapy services to help your child thrive.

Our Specialized Approach:

We specialize in enhancing expressive and receptive language skills, improving sentence construction and grammar, and offering support in interpreting developmentally-expected grammatical morphemes and syntactic structures. Additionally, we offer child-centered approaches to interventions to address speech fluency challenges, improving speech intelligibility or speech clarity, feeding therapy to address difficulties with eating and swallowing, and OPT (Oral Placement Therapy) to improve oral motor skills. Our goal is to help your child reach their full communication potential.

Comprehensive Speech and Language Services:

Our Speech and Language Department conducts thorough evaluations to assess your child’s comprehension and use of written and spoken language. Our assessments include standardized evaluations of receptive and expressive language skills, as well as additional testing in reading, writing, literacy, social language use, and phonological processing.

Our Speech-Language Pathologists utilize assessment information to formulate expert diagnoses and evaluations, identify the need for referrals to other specialists, pinpoint treatment needs, define treatment objectives, establish treatment frequency and duration, and make informed choices regarding treatment structure, which may include individual or group sessions, and involvement of caregivers.

Our Experienced Therapists Specialize in Treating:

Communication and Progress Tracking:

Our therapists prioritize open communication and provide a brief discussion after each session. This ensures that the strategies learned in therapy are consistently applied and effective in your child’s natural environment. We also empower parents by teaching them how to track their child’s progress both at home and school.

At MIND, we are committed to helping your child build strong communication skills and achieve their fullest potential.

Speech & Language Therapy

Speech & Language Therapy at MIND

Our team of skilled Speech and Language Therapists is committed to providing comprehensive evaluation and treatment for a wide range of speech, language, voice, and swallowing disorders in adults. Whether you seek assistance with speech clarity, language expression, or enhancing social communication skills, we are here to support you in achieving effective communication across all aspects of your life.

MIND offers adult Speech and Language Therapy in the following areas:

Our Approach to Speech and Language Therapy:

At MIND, we take a personalized approach to adult Speech and Language Therapy. We conduct comprehensive assessments to identify your unique communication needs and develop individualized treatment plans. Our therapists prioritize evidence-based interventions to ensure effective progress and positive outcomes.

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